Monday, June 15, 2009

The Most Dangerous Mistakes Men make When Approaching Women



MISTAKE Number1: Not Knowing How To DealWith Fear And Shyness

We are ALL afraid.
That's right. ALL of us are afraid.
In life, we all have fears… and it's up to each of us as individuals to either choose to overcome those fears… or choose to let those fears run our lives.
For most of us guys, we experience intense fear and shyness when it comes to APPROACHING women that we don't know.
Here's the part that's a “pain in the ass”: When you're experiencing fear and shyness, it feels like you're the ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD who has EVER felt this way.
The feeling can be SO intense, that it seems IMPOSSIBLE that anyone else could POSSIBLY have a “case” as bad as you. Know what I mean?
I laugh when I think about it, actually.
I have spent many, many hours in situations… looking at a woman that I'd like to approach… but just not being able to do it.
Then, later… after it's all over… I think BACK to the situation… and shake my head because I just couldn't figure out how to overcome my own FEAR… and just TALK TO HER.
The desperation that resulted from these situations was intense. It was embarrassing. It was demoralizing . It sucked.
As a man, one of the worst feelings you can have is that something is making you feel like LESS than a man. And this was one of those situations for me.
I'm kind of hard-headed sometimes. Maybe I like punishment more than others… or maybe I just like to beat my head against the wall longer than most.
In any event… I didn't give up.
Even though I was going through this experience over and over… of seeing a woman I wanted to meet… feeling fear and apprehension… not being able to get up the nerve to go talk to her… then thinking about it for hours (or days) after it happened… I just wouldn't let go.
I became determined to “crack the code” on this one.
Well, one of the big “ah ha!” moments I had was the SIMPLE act of learning that I WASN'T ALONE.
Just like it takes some “nerve” to approach a woman, it ALSO takes nerve to ADMIT when you're having challenges in life.
And one of the things I learned about my “fear of approaching women” was that instead of being “abnormal”, I was actually TYPICAL.
Imagine that.
Here I was thinking that I was emotionally retarded… and then I find out that MOST guys have this same issue… and it's just as intense for THEM as it is FOR ME!
Misery loves company… as they say. I guess that just learning I wasn't alone was enough to really encourage me.
But then I learned something even MORE important while I was learning how to overcome my own fears: I learned that MANY OTHER GUYS had figured out how to OVERCOME this “fear and shyness issue”… which led me to my next “ah ha!” moment:
And I'll tell you something right now: SO CAN YOU. And if you're open-minded and willing to do a little work on your part, then I'd like to show YOU how to do it…

MISTAKE #2: Expecting The Worst

I have spent a lot of years reading Psychology and “Self Help” books… and listening to audio programs… and going to seminars…
I've also spent a tremendous amount of time “testing out” the ideas that I've learned in these various books and programs.
As a result of all this “trying stuff out”, I've come to the realization that EXPECTATIONS play a very important part in RESULTS in life.
People who always expect bad things to happen… wind up having a lot of bad things happen to them.
People who only expect good things… wind up having a lot of good things happen.
Is this Voodoo? Am I talking about freaky New Age ideas that have no basis in reality of any kind?
I've never tried Voodoo, by the way… but if you have, and it works, let me know. I'm always looking for new ideas that WORK!
OK, back to the point…
I believe that the REASON why expectations are so powerful has to do with the part of your mind that psychologists refer to as the “unconscious mind”. Some call it the “subconscious mind”.
This is the part of your mind that's “always on”… but it's working “behind the scenes”.
Have you ever been walking along… or driving… and you sensed danger out of the corner of your eye… and before you knew it, you INSTANTLY responded to avoid the danger?
Things like this happen to us all the time… but we don't really THINK about what's happening in moments like these.
The reality is that when we go through an experience like this, there are “miracles” happening inside of us.
In an instant, before we have time to “think” about what's happening, our entire mind and body have “taken over” and moved us out of the way of harm.
If you take just one aspect of one of these situations, the PHYSICAL MOVEMENTS, and examine it… you'll find that more is going on than “meets the eye”.
In order for your mind to perceive the danger, realize that it IS danger, figure out how to respond, then get the body to actually MOVE in away that gets you out of the path of danger… requires a MASSIVE amount of “computing power”.
Fortunately for you, all of the “computations” are being done outside of your “conscious” awareness.
But WHERE is it all being done? How is it that you “know” what to do… and you even DO it… before you “realize” what's going on?
It's all being done in this part of your mind that I'm talking about. It's all happening on the UNCONSCIOUS level.
Now, think about THIS for a minute:
Most men who have problems approaching women have one peculiar thing in common: They are all EXPECTING negative outcomes from the approach.
And they also have a SECOND thing in common: They don't CONSCIOUSLY REALIZE that all of their expectations are negative.
If you take time to ask, or you stop to think about how it happens for YOU, I think you'll realize that when you think about approaching a woman, your UNCONSCIOUS mind starts to INSTANTLY think about all the NEGATIVE things that might happen.
In fact, for most guys, this “negative expectation program” literally TAKES OVER… and they CAN'T EVEN IMAGINE a positive outcome.
This “negative expectation” thing is kind of a bitch, by the way.
It's painful… and it's not easy to change…
UNLESS, that is… you know HOW.
You've learned one of the most important pieces of the puzzle for changing: AWARENESS.
Now that you KNOW about it, you can start to AFFECT IT…
Now you need to learn some specific techniques to REVERSE this thinking… and begin to expect POSITIVE things to happen when you approach women…

MISTAKE #3: Making The WRONG First Impression

Another important think I learned about approaching women is actually something pretty OBVIOUS, when you think about it:
Attractive women are “approached”… one way or another… CONSTANTLY.
Women who are attractive are approached in a hundred different ways every day.
Sometimes it's a co-worker walking by her desk and smiling “too many times” a day…
Sometimes it's a guy holding a door open a little too long, just hoping to start a conversation…
Sometimes it's a random email from a guy she doesn't know telling her that he saw her picture online and thinks she's beautiful…
Sometimes it's a friend who keeps sharing his “feelings” for her…
And the more she's approached (both subtly and not so subtly), the more she develops a powerful “radar system” that alerts her to a man's intentions.
Most men don't realize that their lame attempts to get a woman's attention are HURTING them. They don't realize that the things they're doing are actually giving her a NEGATIVE impression… and making it so that it's almost IMPOSSIBLE for her to be attracted.
You've probably heard me say that “Women aren't attracted to Wussies!”.
It's true, by the way.
Let me ask you a couple of questions:
1) How many chances do you get to make a first impression on a woman?
2) What impression do most men give off when they approach a woman?
Right, the WUSSY impression.
And women have such a finely-tuned “Wussy Radar” system, that's I've actually given it a NAME… I call it WUSS-DAR.
If the impression you make on a woman is that you're a WUSSY, then it really doesn't MATTER if you've learned to overcome your fear of approaching her… because she's not going to feel any ATTRACTION for you ANYWAY.
You can train for ten years and become the fastest runner in the world… but if you start off the race running in the WRONG DIRECTION it's going to be pretty hard to WIN.
So remember: When you approach a woman, make sure the IMPRESSION she's getting is one that triggers ATTRACTION.
There are a lot of specific ways to create this impression, and I'll tell you some of them right now…

MISTAKE #4: Seeking Her Approval Or Acceptance

If I could go around the world, and take ALL of the situations that happened today where a man approached a woman that he was interested in dating… and then summarize and “condense” them into ONE “scene”, it would have an easy-to-recognize theme…
It would be a man who's nervous and shy… who is trying to FIRST get the woman to LIKE AND ACCEPT HIM.
For most guys, they have it in their mind that they need to get what psychologists call “approval”.
They think that the most important thing is that she LIKE him.
Here's what it looks like to the woman…
It's like a guy is walking up with a big sign on his forehead that reads: “I want you to think that I'm a nice, sweet, caring, considerate man… and I would do almost anything to make you like and accept me”.
And guess what?
It never works.
Well, let me correct myself…
You will never win the lottery.
You MIGHT actually win the lottery… but you probably won't.
And you MIGHT get a woman to feel attracted to her by working to get her attention and approval…
But you probably won't.
I think I've made my point.
Using the “kiss her ass and hope she likes me” strategy is a loser. It does not trigger attraction. It never will.
Hugh Hefner and Brad Pitt will probably write to me to disagree… and then I'll stand corrected.
But for regular guys like you and me, it ain't gonna happen.
ATTRACTION is triggered by a TOTALLY DIFFERENT message.
It's created by a man who knows how to TRIGGER the attraction when he approaches… not by the man who HOPES it will happen if he's a NICE, SWEET, WONDERFUL GUY.
She'll smell the Inner Wuss coming out, and she'll shut you down faster than you can say “I touch myself”.

MISTAKE #5: Thinking You Need To Be“Original And Creative”

Answer this question:
When you see an attractive woman that you'd like to meet… and you start thinking about how to approach her and start a conversation… what's the FIRST thing you think of to SAY to her?
As you know, it can be TORTURE to try to come up with what to say.
This torture, of course, is SELF-INFLICTED.
And there's a common “theme” at the root of this “self torture”.
This theme is that when we see a woman that we'd like to meet, we tend to think to ourselves, “I need to come up with something ORIGINAL and CREATIVE to say to her”.
Why do we do this?
Because we DON'T want to come across as insincere… or even CHEESY.
So we look at her… try to notice something about her… maybe try to come up with some kind of original compliment… or creative humor.
Here's the problem:
That attractive woman has men looking at her ALL DAY… EVERY DAY.
And they're all thinking the SAME THING.
From HER perspective, every guy is walking up to her and saying one of the SAME FEW THINGS.
The irony is that in our desire and attempt to be ORIGINAL…we wind up saying essentially the SAME THING as the last hundred guys…
And TO HER, it comes across in EXACTLY THE WRONG WAY.
The “original, sincere, real” compliment we give her is just like the last bazillion she got…
And you just become one more “link” in the “mental sausage chain” in her mind.
So what's the solution?
The solution is to LEARN what to say when you start a conversation with women. Learn how the PROS do it… so you can get an UNDERSTANDING of what actually WORKS.
Only after you've learned from several experts… and then used their methods in the REAL WORLD… should you try to be “creative and original”.

MISTAKE #6: Not Having An ARSENALOf Techniques “At The Ready”

You may have noticed that the mistakes I've been talking about have little or nothing to do with “pick up lines” and “techniques”.
Why is this?
It's pretty simple, really…
If you have all these other issues handled, then good “pick up lines” and other techniques are like GUNPOWDER. They're INCREDIBLY powerful.
If you DON'T have these other issues handled, the best techniques in the world can't help you.
So, STEP ONE is to get these other issues handled.
Step TWO is to then learn the very best opening lines and other techniques… so you have “proven systems” for approaching women and starting conversations in ANY situation.
Until now, there's been nowhere to go for the solutions to ANY of these problems.
Now there's a place where you can learn to overcome and CONQUER all of these different problems… PLUS get an intensive training on all of the best step-by-step techniques and “pick up lines” for every possible situation



On saturday my boyfriend that i loved so much wanted me to go to a club with him. sadly i had a volleyball game and didn't feel like letting down the team. i thought the practice would be from 6p.m.-9p.m. but it turned out my coach moved it to the next day because her daughter had got in a car accident( not fatal). anyway me and my best friend lyndsay were bored and then we remembered our invite to the club. so we got all ready then drove to the club. we knew a bunch of people there and i saw my boyfriends car, instead of calling him and stuff i thought it would be more exciting if i just showed up. as i entered the door i imediately looked for him. so me and my friend lyndsay just waited around at a nearby booth until we could find him. sadly we found him a little too quickly. WITH ANOTHER GIRL! he didn't see me yet but while i was searching by the bar i saw him talking with another girl, flirting, kissing. i was so infuriated. but like in the movies i didn't just wanna make him jealous or anything i just wanted to show him i was there, and i hated him, and maybe show him what he just missed out on. so i snuck over there and poked him on the back while the girl was in the restroom. he turned and saw my face then immediately froze. i was sure he didn't know that i knew about him with the other girl so instead of telling him i sat in her seat and waited with him for her to get back. he asked me what i was doing here and stuff then pulled out his phone but i snatched it knowing he would txt the girl to not come back. when she finally returned it was on! she didn't knwo who i was and even said she was dating him. i argued with him and told the girl who i was and yelled at her. then took my ex- boyfriends drink and splashed it in his face. then walked out, and havn't talked to him since.

Friday, June 12, 2009


The Night stirred its inky finger at the ending of the day, the office lights breaking through the windows into the dark night. Desks emptied as people sort to get an early start to the weekend. She completed the last letter she had to send that day, filled in the final figures on the day's spreadsheet, and was just about to close down her PC when a message popped up saying she had a new email. She was going to open the email to check what it was when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Turning round, she looked into the sparkling eyes that belonged to Andy, her boss, which as normal, set her heart racing. "Still here?" he said with a smile. "Nothing to go home to?" She smiled back. "Nothing much."
Not as if you were there she thought, then scolded herself in case she let her secret feeling for Andy show. Andy smiled once more. "Well see you on Monday" And with that, left her to her thoughts. He was so good looking, she thought to herself, as she watched his rear disappearing out the door. With a sigh, she shut of her computer, letting the email wait until Monday, and slowly made her way to the lift. She had nothing to go home to except an empty and lonely house. Her husband was a long gone, and good riddance. Her son was at college far away, and all that was there for her, was another lonely night.
She reached the exit of the building. There, waiting for her was Mike, the security guard. Mike always there with a smile that seemed just for her, understanding her moods and problems sometimes before she herself knew them. Mike, whom she could tell anything to, knowing it would go no further and that he would never judge her. As normal, he held open the door, his arm almost but not quite touching her as she went bye. "Night Mable, have a good one," he said to her with a smile. "Night Mike." she answered back over her shoulder as she walked to where she had parked her car. "And thank you." She blow him a kiss as normal. She walked down the now empty parking spaces to where hers was parked, and opened to door to get in the car, when she noticed something on the front window. Moving round, she realized it was a rose, a single red rose placed under one of her wiper blades. Taking it carefully in her hands, she looked for a note or something to say whom the rose had been from, but there was nothing. She drove home trying to work out in her mind that might have left her the flower. Could it have been Andy, guessing her feeling for him, and letting her know that he felt the same? Perhaps it was Mike, just showing her that he cared? Her mind went through all the other possible people, but kept coming back to Andy and Mike. The weekend seemed to fly by, with her thoughts always turning to the rose that took pride of place on her table in the small glass vase. Was it Andy, or was it Mike? She had to wait until Monday to find out. At last Monday came, she parked her car as normal and found Mike waiting for her with an open door. She flashed a special smile his way eager to thank him if indeed the rose had been from him. "Thank you so much," she said, lingering for a few moments before walking through the door, as if waiting for him to reply. But Mike did not say anything about flowers or her, so she hurriedly made her way to her desk. Andy. Andy. It had to be Andy. After all this time at last he was showing her that he felt the same way as she did. She waited for Andy to come in, her heart racing at the thought of him leaving a rose for her. While she waited, she checked her mail, the first message being the one that she left on Friday, it was from her son. "Hi Mum." it read "I was just passing through on my way to a friend's house, from where I am sending you this email. I did not really have time to stop, just thought I'd let you know how much I love you. I hope you enjoy the rose. Love, Don
With a sigh, the dream bubble burst. Oh well, she thought, at least her son loved her.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

IT HAPPENED ON A...............VAL DAY


The bodiless voice echoed around the half empty airport. He heard the numbers and knew it would soon be time for him to leave. His hand was clamped tight around hers knowing that soon they would have to part, and once more be separated by the vast distance of the Ocean that was between his home and hers. His heart ached with the knowledge, the coldness of the airport floor reached right into his heart, making him give an involuntary shiver. Her hand gave his a squeeze and he looked into the eyes of the person he cared so much about, and saw a returned look of love. "I don't want to go." He finally managed to say, " I can't go, I want to stay here with you." "Love." she replied, "we both know you have to, don't you think I want you to stay with me, but you just can't" Her arms went around him, and once more he felt the warmth of her love. Flashbacks of all that had happened during this past week, the fun, the laughter, and just how much they cared for each other. With tears not far from the surface, they stood there and hugged each other. Another announcement came, this time his planes numbers were called. One last kiss and he turned to go, wiping an imaginary strand of hair from across his face, but really trying to hide a tear. Suddenly he stopped and turned; running back to her, he hugged her one final time, then, from his pocket he pulled a crumpled envelope. "This Valentine card is for you," he said as he handed her the card, "I'm afraid it got a little… err… ragged in my packing." She laughed at his obvious embarrassment, before opening the card, and reading the words. She hugged him once more and clasped the valentine to her chest. "It is beautiful" she said "I'll treasure it for ever." Just then, there was another announcement for his flight. He started to say something else when there was a tap on his shoulder. "Come on son, it's time for us to catch our plane. We'll come back and see grandma again soon."



It had taken many months, but finally her friends had got her to go to a party with them, this party. She had actually felt good about going, almost whole again while getting herself ready. The hint of excitement, dressing up, and wondering what the evening would bring, friendship, excitement or even romance. When Jan picked her up, she let out a whistle, like a building site worker at her appearance. "Wow Sue, you look good, if I were that way inclined I'd chat you up myself. The rest of us women stand no chance tonight, you'll have the pick of the men." "Pick of the men." There had been a time when that was all she desired. She had been able to have whatever she wanted. Then she met Rick. For some reason she knew from the first time she saw him, that he was all she wanted. Something electric had passed between them that first eye contact. After that it was like her world had been hit by a whirlwind, becoming lovers, and moving in together before she even knew what was going on. From that first moment her feet never seemed to touch the ground. Her life, her world revolved around Rick. Slowly she'd lost contact with her friends, cutting herself off from everything that was not about Rick and their world. Now thinking back, she knew something inside tried to tell her something was wrong, yet the voice was lost in the beating of her heart whenever she looked into Rick's eyes. Even the first time he'd hit her after she had been out for a meal with an old friend. She blamed herself, the voice tried to make her hear, but she turned a deaf ear to it's warning. His apologies and promises that it would never happen again, drowned the words of warning from her inner voice. The second and third time he'd hit her, again the voice tried, and again she turned a deaf ear. Hiding in excuses, avoiding friends who might ask questions. She blamed herself, trying any way she could to keep his love for her. Months past, he had become more and more violent, until finally she had found herself battered and bruised in a hospital bed. Jan had been the one friend who would not sit and wait; who had found her in the hospital. She told Sue in words that can only come through the strength of special friendship, exactly what she had got into. Jan had been there through all the months of recovering, of realizing who she was, and learning to live again. Now tonight - one step nearer facing reality. The party was all she'd hoped it would be, full of fun and laughter. She looked at Jan immersed in the man she was dancing with, and said a silent prayer of thanks for having a friend like her. A hand touched her shoulder, a feeling of excitement, mixed with a cocktail of fear ran through her, she knew that touch. Looking up her eyes met the Ricks hypnotic gaze. "Hi love, didn't expect to see you here." Didn't expect what? Was she meant to never show her face again?She went to pull away, but he grabbed her hand, making her wince, waking her inner voice. "Please love, please. Let me speak." Rick pleaded drowning the voice. "I know I was wrong, very wrong, you've a perfect right to hate me. But I've changed. I've been to anger management classes. I realize your life must have been terrible with me, and how I was. But love I've changed. Please, please I am so sorry for all I've done." Something in his eyes, the way he looked at her drowned the inner voice. The evening went by, and she once more found herself under his spell. Jan caught her in the bathroom one time. "Are you mad?" she had asked, grabbing Sue's arm. "No, it's all right, I know what I'm doing, honestly Jan, he has changed, he's been to therapy, he has changed." Jan made it clear what she thought of him, making some very hurtful remarks about leopards and spots. For a moment Sue actually thought about leaving the party, the inner voice echoing in her ears. That, however, was lost with the first touch of Rick's lips on hers. Towards the end of the evening Jan looked round for Sue but could not find her. With a sigh she guessed that Sue had left with Rick hoping deep in her heart she was wrong. In the morning she was just about to phone Sue to make sure she was all right and apologize for the harsh words she had said, when the headline in the local paper announced. "Naked Woman found strangled on beach." This time, no friends or inner voice had been able to save Sue.



Just to think it had only been ten hours since she had arrived in the country, ten hours since we had met, since I had first kissed the lips for real, that I had kissed so often in the net.
He had not known what to do, they had of course hugged and kissed at the airport, but that was all. Each was not quite sure, she of course was jetlagged from her trip, and he had not wanted to rush things.
Once back to his small, but after hours of work, clean flat they had talked for a while, though everything was still very strained. He explained he had arranged a special dinner that night, so she should perhaps get some sleep to ease the jet lag. She willingly took him up on this, kissed him once more, this time, he felt it was a little more tenderly, and went of to the spare room to sleep.

He had hoped this would happen, and put his plan into action.

When Mindy woke from her sleep feeling very much more refreshed than when she had arrived, there hanging on the door, was a beautiful dress, it was shades of green and brown and seemed to change colour in the light just like she thought her own eyes did. She was still looking at the dress when there came a gentle knocking on the door.
Brian came in and caught her eyes going to the dress smiled.
“Well” he said “We have a special dinner date to go to tonight, and I was not sure if you would have brought a dress, let alone it is not creased from the journey”. She started to try and talk, but he hushed her.
“I hope you like it, I know it’s the right size, I remember that at least” She did not try and speak, instead came up to him, and kissed him, not with the hesitant kiss as when they had first met, but with a kiss he had only dreamed of.

“Hey” he said breaking away all so soon for the both of them, “You have to get ready, if we’re to make the dinner. The baths running, and there are all the things you like (I hope he thought) for your bath in there”

She marvelled at him, how did he manage this, the dress, and everything else.

As if reading her thoughts he smiled “Well we do know most things about each other darling don’t we? Now go have a good soak we have about an hour before the car will come for us”

He left her then, she looked lost for words, and his face lit into a huge grin as the plan had started to come together.

She lay soaking in the bath; not quite able to take in all that was going on, sure enough every bath oil, soap, and fragrance that she liked seemed to be there for her. She smiled, suddenly so happy that she had made the flight, and was here with her sweet Englishman.

An hour later he knocked gently once more on the door, the voice that sent his heart swirling round his chest, told him to come in.

He entered and his words died in his mouth as he gazed up the loveliest creature he had ever seen. The dress fitted her wonderful figure really well, it just emphasised her beauty, it was the rest of her, the smiling eyes, the lips, and the hair everything she was so beautiful. He could do nothing but gaze.

She giggled. “You like?”
He laughed “I like” he said, but his heart said I love, I love
She looked him up and down, “hmmm, not so bad your self” as he gave a mocking twirl so she could see the effort he to had made.

Taking her hand, he went to kiss her, She scolded him “hmm hmmm, no messing up the lipstick” They both laughed.

There came ringing of the door bell

Taking her hand he took her to the waiting car, for some reason, not through the lounge but out the side door. She stood there looking at him then at the car that waited for them. It was a shining silver Rolls Royce, complete with chauffeur in a smart blue uniform

They drove for around 15mins like lords and ladies their hands holding each other’s, he pointing
Out various sites, but all the time lost in each others eyes, lost in each other.

At last the car drew to a standstill, and the chauffeur opened the door, as she got out she could not believe it, they were back where they had started from, she looked at him, but all he did was smile, and place his finger on his lips.

They thanked the driver, and then he took her back to the house, this time through the front door.

He let her enter, and this time it was her turn to gasp. What a change to the room, there was a small table in the centre, and the lighting was dimmed, soon to be replaced by the gentle flicker of candle light has he lit the sweet scented candles, he has placed round the room. He took her coat, and showed her to the table, moving the chair for her to sit-down. He lent forward and kissed her, she kissed him back with the love that was growing with every beat second of there being together. The candles spread their magic around the room, and he turned on the stereo, and the air was filled with gentle music. Each track he had picked with care, meaning something to them or to her.

Her eyes flashed in the candle light as he produced a melon starter, not any melon, but one shaped with love and tenderness, it was like a yacht ready to sail on an ocean of life. He had practised on enough melons to float an armada, let alone a boat, but it was worth it to see the look on her face. She looked him, then at the masterpiece before her. “Did you make that?” she asked not sure what to think.
She thought she new all there was to know about him from there chatting together, but all this.

He smiled to himself, all the work, the slaving, the planning had all been worth while, just to se the look of utter happiness on her face.

They started to eat one course followed the other, each one he had planned, practised and slaved over, and with each one her amazement increased. The music in the background told a story, the tunes wove a web of their meeting and their love affair.

Eventually the candles flickered and started to go out, the last dregs of the wine were drunk, the last plates cleaned, and the music slowly came to the end of the tape. They sat there, no longer strangers, no longer shy of one another other. Holding hands, looking into each others eyes, holding hands, whispered words often typed, now spoken in the husky voice of love.

She broke the spell, “Wow love, I know I told you I wanted a candle lit dinner but that darling was unbelievable, how did you manage it all” he laughed
“You should have seen the failures, and don’t think about going into the kitchen”

He took her hand, turned the tape over, and soft music filled the room, he lead her to the couch, and she slipped into his arms as easily as she had slipped into his heart. She snuggled up, feeling so right so safe; this was how they were meant to be. It also was so, so right when he slipped a ring over her finger.

She kissed him then nothing held back, all the love that had grown over the time they had known each other, exploded in one a moment of passion that went on and on, tunes followed tunes, and there hearts melted and moulded into one. Eventually without a word being said, hand in hand they stood, blow out the candles, turned off the light, and moved towards bedroom.

As they left the room, she turned to him, and with a sly wink she said “Tomorrow you can clean up your mess in the kitchen, but for the rest of our lives darling we will do it together”